A video of this year's announcements will available in early 2024.
2023 COTY & Service Awards
Congratulations all of our Hutchies' veterans and to the winner of Constructor of the Year 2023: Kerri Bolton!

2023 Recipients
Babs Moodley | Julian Gourgaud | Patrick Walsh |
Christopher Ravbar | Kirsty Fraser | Penny Hoolihan |
Cody Harris | Kyle Hare | Peter Jedrisko |
Corey Dwyer | Lachlan Bloomfield | Richard Ainsworth |
Damien Mctague | Lyle Ellis | Rick Rowntree |
Darryl Foster | Malcolm O'Rourke | Sam Mitchell |
David Smith | Marc Flach | Stephen Wilson |
Debbie Zacher | Matthew Cuthbert | Tami Flach |
Gary Turner | Melissa Butler | Wade Allan |
Gordon Manson | Michael Thompson | Wayne Schofield |
Jason Birch | Niels Ogle | Wayne Syrch |
Previous Recipients
Alan Smith | Harry White | Neil Middleton |
Alistair Pillay | Ian Partridge | Neville Langer |
Allan Gundy | James Ellison | Noel O'Brien |
Andrew Taubman | Jamie Silvester | Owen Valmadre |
Anthony Stevens | Jamie Washington | Patrick Axisa |
Ash Blake | Jason Arnold | Patrick Boutkan |
Benjamin Clarke | Jason O'Connor | Patrick Doughan |
Benjamin Johnstone | Jason Wilkins | Paul David |
Benjamin Plunkett | Jeffery Miller | Paul De Jong |
Benjamin Young | Jerrymie Noble | Paul Hart |
Bree Hoek | John Berlese | Paul Pereira |
Brett Washington | John Ellis | Paul Wilson |
Cameron Mcandrew | John Smith | Paulo Alves Valente |
Christopher Chainey | Jon-Paul Floyd | Peter Ciantar |
Christopher Hildebrandt | Joseph Cassin | Peter Forsingdal |
Christopher Lanigan | Joshua Darby | Peter Glover |
Christopher Mcintosh | Keith Robinson | Peter Haidley |
Christopher Stevenson | Kellie Williams | Pierre Pousson |
Claire Hays | Kerri Bolton | Rhonda Pye |
Colin Green | Kevin Mueller | Rick Wallace |
Cy Milburn | Kody Blackburn | Robert Diamond |
Dale Borghardt | Kyle Patience | Robert Karleusa |
Damien O'Brien | Lee Gagliardi | Rod King |
Daniel Charlesworth | Leendert De Boer | Ronald Gersekowski |
Darren Gersekowski | Levi Corby | Ross Durey |
Darrin Pearson | Lindsay Good | Russell Fryer |
Darryl Morris | Luke Adkins | Ryan Coyne |
Dave Smythe | Luke Giles | Scott Vidler |
David Bendell | Luke Watson | Sebastian Curtis |
David Warner | Lyndon Christian | Shane Hanna |
Dean White | Malcolm Campbell | Shane Kay |
Gaylene Finch | Mandie Quint | Shane Tyson |
Geoffrey Kampf | Mark Taylor | Shaun Beck |
George Kladis | Martin Tanner | Stefan Sedelaar |
Giancarlo Pozzebon | Matthew Hutton | Stephen Giosserano |
Glenn Liebke | Matthew Jonker | Terry Bowden |
Graham Dodge | Matthew Kempster | Timothy Ferguson |
Grant Delaney | Maximilian Claxton | Timothy Mcgregor |
Grant Leboutillier | Melissa Henderson | Tony Doyle |
Gregory Crittall | Michael White | Wayne Berich |
Gregory Inwood | Murray Snowden | Wesley Churchill |
Gregory Quinn | Nathaniel Creedy |
Aidan Murphy | James Collins | Patrick Taylor |
Alan Gscheidle | James Duncan | Paul Matons |
Blake Mcgilvray | Jayden Holland | Rochelle Kidney |
Brooke Wilson | Jessica Punch | Sam Gibbs |
Chris Fisher | Kandy Ashby | Scott Perry |
Damian Mills | Lachlan Knowles | Sean Lees |
Damon Clarke | Liam O'Doherty | Shannon Scott |
Daniel Matthews | Matt Backman | Stephen Edwards |
David Milner | Matthew Dawson | Steve Kotsireas |
Drew Cole | Matthew Lazzaroni | Tania Galbraith |
Elliott Rees | Michelle Buckland | Warren Belford |
Garry Partridge | Morrie Turner | Wayne Rafter |
Grant Davey | Murray Farrell | Will Thurston |
Greg Koutsoukos | Nathan Byrne | William Miller |
Gregory Williams | Niall Scott | William Steele |
Hamish Scott | Noe Pereira |
Adam Luxton | David Drysdale | Michael Palmer |
Adam Martin | David Odorisio | Monique Hamilton |
Adam Ransley | David Samardzic | Myles Warlow |
Adrian Smith | Duncan Mcallister | Olivia Brock |
Alexander Swann | Dylan Schneider | Paul Williams |
Amber Ryan | Dylan Sharrock | Peter Ierna |
Amelia Kordic | Francis Farley | Raylyn Maizey |
Amir Maglajlic | Gerry Brennan | Raymond Coe |
Andrew Di Michele | Gordon Raroa | Richard Boyes |
Andrew Grimmer | Greg Roberts | Richard Gailey |
Andrew Lowe | Jack Drake | Riley Murphy |
Angie Cripps | Jacob De Jong | Robert Hartley |
Ante Kozul | Jacob Montgomery | Robert Shaw |
Antonio De Lutiis | Jake Maggiore | Rodney Dobson |
Antonio Taranto | James Glancy | Ronald Morrison |
Ayush Shrestha | Jason Turner | Rosemary Geldard |
Ben Sutton | Jay Lee | Sam Preston |
Ben Walsh | Jesse O'Neill | Sam Whitford |
Ben Wood | Jim Christoforou | Scott Hunter |
Benjamin Mcnalty | Johannes Brandt | Serafin Aquilina |
Blake Ballard | John Hardy | Sherry Cullen |
Brock Powell | Jonathan Simon | Siddharth Pandya |
Casey Ainsworth | Josh Fuimaono | Simon Grieco |
Cavill Lollback | Joshua Rollings | Spencer Coulter |
Chaminda Suraweera | Kerry Mckenzie | Tim Goodwin |
Chloe Rowse | Lee Morrison | Tim Thompson |
Chris Adkins | Lesley Knebel | Tom Barnes |
Corey Reilly | Luca Rocchi | Tom Burton |
Daniel Skrinis | Luke Hayes | Tom Ford |
Danika Zesch | Mark Hall | Trenton Dalvean |
David Causevic | Matt Carey | Zhijiao Pei |
David Corrin | Matt Kerr |