15 May 2020 / COVID-19

National Cabinet Meeting

The PM just addressed the media following today's National Cabinet Meeting:

  • Today marks 2 months since National Cabinet first met
  • Leaders have met more often in 2 months than in the last 10 years dealing with the pandemic and a lot has been accomplished
  • 600,000 Australians have lost jobs as per results yesterday
  • Supports in place for health and economic to help Australians through this difficult time
  • Framework announced last week - 3 steps to reopen Australia, now need to get Australians back in jobs and re-build confidence and get momentum going
  • Today NC briefed by Treasury, RBA and APRA on yesterday's unemployment figures, impacts across the country and opportunity for how Feds and NC can work together to get people back into jobs
  • Stability had returned to financial markets - still fragile but very functional
  • Banking system has stood up well, but we all must be concious that there are limits
  • Its essential as we move forward that we enable that credit to flow from our banking systems to reopen to rehire and move ahead
  • Insolvencies are running below average - a direct result from temporary measures in place protecting businesses from collapse
  • Super system responding well - $11.7 billion in claims - consistent with treasurey estimates - no liquidity issues according to APRA
  • $90.1 billion Aus Gov securities raised since March 20 - markets are investing in Australia and is reliable in an uncertain time
  • This finanicial rasing is essential to provide economic support and lifelines to the Australian economy
  • Positive boost to tourism this morning with net tourism imports at $20 billion per year up for grabs by operators internally for Australians unable to travel internationally right now
  • Focus and advice from economic advisors is to opening the economy safely
  • 1 week down, States & Territories are overwemingly moving through step 1 of the roadmap
  • Welcome sign from yesterday's unemployment numbers shows Australia is back
  • Our economy will look very different on the other side
  • NC has reaffirmed its commitment to work together to make the necessary changes required to make the economy again
  • Today NC has made agreed to start reopening all elective surgery at the paces states / territories set
  • NC also adopted the National Health & Wellbeing and Pandemic Plan - $48.1 million of additional support for impelementation of the plan from feds and others from states / territories at local level
  • Telehealth now getting mental health consultations back to levels seen prior to the pandemic
  • Biosecurity Act extended for emergency response powers for regional communities in partnership with States, Territories & Indigenous Leaders to continue keeping communities safe

Update from the CMO:

  • Happy about the release of the important new Mental Health & Wellbeing Plan
  • Reinforced the requirements for new ways of life with social distancing, hygiene etc
  • Mentioned extremely rare cases of children infected with COVID-19 and X condition
  • No tests will relieve people out of quarantine
  • 50 current COVID related patients in hospitals around Australia - only 12 on ventilators
  • Hospital capacity around 50-60%
  • Room for further expansion in elective surgery back to full service depending on states and territories
  • Important that Australians don't neglect their general health and mental health requirements

Minister Hunt:

  • Stress of health, loneliness of isolation, stress of finances have all created specific mental health challenges
  • Everyone would have seen the pressures in place right across Australia
  • One of the most important things is to provide more mental health support
  • A range of financial supports already in place
  • Wanted to work with NC on a mental health and wellbeing plan to support the pandemic requirements
  • Supports whats happening with data in real time
  • [Sorry missed the end of Minister Hunt's speech with a call]

Deputy CMO for Mental Health and Wellbeing:

  • Mental health is an integral part to everyone
  • Engaged with people to respond to the needs of mental health and wellbeing which resulted in some key things:
    • Diversity of mental illness, health and wellbeing
    • Particular vulnerable groups and need to meet the needs
    • We need to look at things we engage in that are risky (substance abuse, gambling, violence)
  • Committed to being there for anyone that needs help - call it out, reach out
  • Always on the look out for those at risk to suicide
  • Stay connected - gives people hope - which everyone needs
  • 957,000 mental health services delivered over the last 4 weeks (up on next week)
  • Need more engagement from people on mental health
  • This plan is to address gaps in the existing support - data will drive this and collection is so important to better understand what to expect and moving to services where they are needed
  • The plan must reach into community to allow people to access these services - where they live, learn, work and the jurisdictions have all signed up to this
  • The plan also ensures that if you come into a service you can access exactly what you need

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10 February / General

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