Good Hygiene
Wash your hands often for 20 secs & use hand sanitiser in between
The Queensland Premier has announced some changes to lockdowns across the state.
The council areas of Brisbane and Moreton Bay regions will remain in lockdown for at least another 24 hours (until 6pm Saturday, 3 July).
Lockdowns will end for the other remaining 11 local government areas (LGAs) from 6pm tonight. This includes Gold Coast, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan, Noosa, Redland, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Sunshine Coast, Townsville and Palm Island. Face mask wearing and gathering restrictions will continue to apply in these areas.
It is important to continue to implement and follow all of Hutchies’ COVID-19 measures across our sites and offices.
The council areas of Brisbane and Moreton remain in lockdown. The below requirements have been taken directly from the Queensland Government directions.
Essential reasons to leave
You can only leave your home (which includes temporary accommodation such as a holiday rental) for essential purposes:
> obtain essential goods or services, including health care and COVID-19 vaccinations
> exercise outdoors
> attend essential work or childcare
> assist vulnerable persons
Travelling for work outside of locked down areas
You can travel outside of an impacted area for work that cannot be done from your home but not for volunteering. You can travel outside of an impacted area for any of the permitted purposes except for shopping, exercise, visiting another residence (except to provide care) or attending a wedding or funeral. You must continue to wear a face mask.
Returning home from work outside of locked down areas
You can return to your home outside of an impacted area, but you must follow the same lockdown rules when you return home. Only leave your home for the permitted purposes and wear a mask when doing so.
Entering an area in lockdown
If you live outside of an impacted area, you can enter an impacted area for any of the permitted purposes, except for volunteering, shopping, exercise or visiting another residence (except to provide care), or attending a wedding or funeral, and you must follow the lockdown rules in the impacted area such as wearing a face mask. You must continue to follow the lockdown rules when you return home.
Other requirements
You can also transit through an impacted area without stopping.
You must carry a face mask with you at all times (more details below).
You can only have 2 visitors in your home per day – children are included in this number. This number does not include family or friends who might already be staying with you temporarily – for example, during the school holidays.
Wedding ceremonies may have a maximum of 10 people including the celebrant and two witnesses. Funerals may have a maximum of 20 people attend excluding the person conducting the service.
The below requirements have been taken directly from the Queensland Government directions announced prior to the lockdown.
From 6pm today, until 13 July 2021 for all impacted areas of Queensland (except Brisbane and Moreton council areas which remain in lockdown for now):
> you must carry a face mask at all times and wear indoors; and outdoors when you cannot physically distance, unless you have a lawful reason not to
> gatherings in people’s homes limited to 30 persons
> you can leave your home for any purpose
> visitors to aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, hospitals and correctional facilities are still restricted
> restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs can only open for seated eating and drinking, no standing or dancing allowed
> businesses restricted to 1 person per 4 square metres > customers must check into venues and provide their contact details in case you need to be contacted – download the Check In Qld App to get set up before you visit venues.
Including in hoists and lifts
Masks must be carried by everyone that fits the below criteria at all times across Queensland until 13 July 2021 (or unless directed by the government).
If you:
> are in a lockdown (impacted) area, or
> have been in a South East Queensland impacted area at any time since 1am AEST 29 June 2021, or
> the Townsville or Palm Island impacted areas at any time since 6pm AEST 29 June 2021
You must carry a face mask with you at all times. You must wear a face mask at all times when you are outside your home, unless:
> you are alone in your car or with the members of your household
> you are eating or drinking
> you are at your usual workplace and can physically distance from others
> you are alone outdoors or exercising alone outdoors with members of your household. If you pass others, you must put on your mask
> it is unsafe.
There are some other exceptions to wearing face masks, including for children under 12 and people with particular medical conditions or disabilities. If in doubt, wear a face mask.
Specific information for construction sites including hoists and lifts (applicable until 1am 13 July, unless updated / revoked / replaced):
> The construction industry is open and considered an essential, unrestricted business during this period
> The face mask requirements apply to everyone in an impacted area (e.g. SE QLD, Townsville, Magnetic Island, Palm Island) which require everyone to carry a face mask at all times, and wear it when you are outside your home (except in the specific instances listed above)
> You have to wear a mask when you cannot practice physical distancing of at least 1.5m from others on site and it is safe to do so, including in hoists and lifts.
> This rule applies to all areas of site, both indoors and outdoors.
> This rule also applies to all offices, sheds, crib rooms, kitchens and queueing areas.
> Previous measures around maintaining cleanliness, hand hygiene, wiping down regular touch points, etc, still apply.
To keep yourself and others safe, the Australian Government continues to encourage, where practicable, the below methods to minimise the spread of COVID-19.
Wash your hands often for 20 secs & use hand sanitiser in between
Cover a cough or sneeze, wash your hands & dispose of any tissues safely
Avoid physical contact & don't touch your eyes, nose & mouth
Maintain 1.5 metres distance from people where practicable
Clean work areas, common facilities (kitchens, bathrooms etc) & frequent touch points often
Stay home & get tested if you have the symptoms (even if you think it’s ‘just a cold’)
Display, read and follow all of Hutchies’ posters and signage around sites and offices
In high risk situations or when you cannot social distance, wear a face mask
Monitor Hutchies’ Toolbox for the latest information and advice
COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.
Symptoms of COVID-19 may include:
![]() Fever | ![]() Coughing | ![]() Shortness of Breath | ![]() Sore Throat |
If you need advice, call Australia’s COVID hotline 1800 020 080 (24 x 7)